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Diregi » Legal Notice

Legal Notice

The owner of http://www.diregi.com is DIREGI MAQUINARIA MANTENIMIENTO, S.L,, with registered address at Polígono Jurin Txiki, 28 Apdo, 59 20720 Azkoitia (Gipuzkoa), with tax ID number B20726014S.

1. Objective

http://www.diregi.com is a corporate website. It is aimed at showing the products and services of the company.
This legal notice contains the conditions of use of the http://www.diregi.com website which the company puts at the disposal of internet users. Access and use of the services that this website provides means accepting these general terms and conditions, which will apply without prejudice to the particular and special terms and conditions which, where applicable, are set. Therefore, we ask you to read this document thoroughly.
You can get more information about the company and the products or services on offer through our website or by using the usual channels of communication (telephone, form, e-mail…).

2. Intellectual and industrial property

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the contents of this website, including but not limited to texts, images, animations, graphics or databases are owned by the company.

The company name DIREGI MAQUINARIA MANTENIMIENTO, S.L. and www.diregi.com domain are protected by laws and treaties on intellectual and industrial property and by the regulations governing domain names, and they are duly registered, where appropriate.
Notwithstanding the uses permitted in accordance with these terms and conditions of use or in the cases set out in Articles 31 to 34 of the Intellectual Property Law (Legislative Royal Decree 1/1996 of April 12), the rights of disclosure, reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation of the contents of this website correspond solely to their owner.

Users of this website are exclusively authorised to view, reproduce, print and download parts of the content of the website provided that they agree to the following conditions:

1. That it is compatible with the purposes of the website and does not damage the image and reputation of the company, its suppliers or their products or services.

2. That usage is personal and private. Any exploitation or use for commercial or promotional purposes is expressly prohibited.

3. That intellectual and industrial property rights are respected. Under no circumstances will the modification of all or part of this content, its decompilation or the alteration of its integrity be permitted. Similarly, any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the contents of this website must include the mention of copyright, or its equivalent sign (©).

Failure to comply with the above conditions will constitute an illegal activity which may lead to the corresponding civil or criminal penalties under the applicable law.

3. Privacy and data protection

We comply with the rules on personal data protection, in particular Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on Personal Data Protection (LOPD) and Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, approving the regulation for the development of the Organic Law (RLOPD) and other regulations in force at that time.

4. Exclusions and limitations of liability

The text that appears both on the website and in downloadable files is provided for informational purposes. It is valid except for misprints. In any case, the company declines any responsibility for any inaccuracies or improprieties. We recommend that you contact us to request an updated quote or to resolve any questions about our products or services.

The links or connections to other third party websites are provided for information only, without this necessarily involving approval of the content thereof, or a guarantee of the absence of viruses or other elements on them that could damage the user’s computer system (hardware and software), documents or files, with any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for these reasons being excluded.

The existence of interruptions or errors in accessing the website or its contents, or that it is permanently updated without imprecisions or inaccuracies is also not guaranteed. All efforts aimed at correcting errors, restoring communication and updating this content will be carried out, provided that there are no reasons that make this impossible or difficult to execute, and as soon it becomes aware of errors, disconnections or that content is not updated.

The company will not be responsible for any direct or indirect fault, error or damage that may be caused to the user’s computer system (hardware and software), or the files or documents stored thereon, which are caused by or arise from:

1. The capacity or quality of the user’s computer system or the presence of a virus on the computer that is used to connect to services and content on the website.

2. Their internet connection or access.

3. A malfunction of the user’s browser, or due to use of user applications where the versions have not been updated or the corresponding user license has not been obtained.

4. Changes and updates

The company reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to make changes to and update the information contained on its website or its configuration, availability and presentation, as well as these terms and conditions of use.

5. Applicable law and jurisdiction
Anything not specifically covered in these general terms and conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation. Visitors to this website and any person or company that uses or contracts any product or service provided therein will be subject to the jurisdiction and competence of the courts and tribunals (Spain) to resolve any issues that may arise concerning the interpretation, application and enforcement of these conditions, as well as claims arising from any use of this website, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, except in cases where it is not legally permitted.